A Look Inside

Ever since I was very little, I’ve loved using my imagination. I think every child is born with the artistic gift of imagination and creativity. The white carpeted floors are suddenly turned into lava, where pillows are the only rocks you can step on without burning yourself. Shallow swimming pools become the deepest seas filled with mermaids, pirates, and treasures hidden beneath the surface.  Cardboard boxes become rocket ships in need of an astronaut for the adventure of a lifetime throughout the galaxy.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for these adventures to fade away as we each get older. The carpet is suddenly just, well, a carpet. The pool is just a hole in the ground filled with water, and cardboard boxes? Well, sometimes we recycle those.


“Anybody with artistic ambitions is always trying to reconnect with the way they saw things as a child.” – Tim Burton

So often, I find myself in the same little world I created in my head as a younger child. I am almost constantly daydreaming and viewing things a little differently. This is especially common between the hours of 12 am and 3 am, or when I go on walks. I don’t really talk about it much though. In fact, this is basically the first I’ve shared it with anyone. I suppose the main reason why is because I am usually stuck in this place between wanting to hide from society but still wanting to communicate this more imaginative part of my brain to someone and “let them in.” I’m a pretty quiet person and I don’t talk very much (just ask my friends), but despite that, my thoughts are very loud at times. So, that brings us to the title of this blog post. I’m going to do my best to provide a look inside of my head and my thoughts, into this world that I have kept hidden away.


For starters, I’ve always been a lover of the forest. I’ve found that being surrounded by pine trees, running creeks, and woodland creatures is a very comforting, calming thing for me. I mention this place in plenty of my songs; songs that have been finished, produced, and shared, as well as others that have been abandoned halfway through in my journal. Writing about this ethereal escape is just not enough for me, though. I am a very visual person. I try to create mental images in my original music and through writing, but find it a little difficult at times to really share what is going on in my head. Recently however, I’ve found that painting is also a satisfying form of self-expression. So I finally grabbed a wooden paintbrush and some bright watercolors, and recreated it (to the best of my ability) on paper.

forest Aside from finding comfort in the solitude of the forest alone, I’ve also dreamed up a place which includes a lighthouse, a dark sea with a blanket of fog resting on it, and a little abandoned cabin in the woods. Once again, I wrote a song which I plan on recording in the future called ‘Lighthouse,’ that tells the story of my journey through this land and the characters I meet along the way. In addition to the song, I have also painted a couple of pictures that represent this little part of my world.


Remember how I mentioned a foggy sea in the last paragraph? It turns out that cold, foggy settings are also something I personally connect with. That is an atmosphere I feel calm and at times creative in, and there is something very mysterious about a thick layer of fog. It hides what is directly in front of you. Sometimes, my brain feels like a vast world with a layer of fog covering every thought. Some days, the fog is lifted and I can think clearly and see what is lying underneath the surface. Other days however, the mist settles and hides every emotion and every idea, and everything goes numb. Anxiety sneaks in on occasion, but other times my mind is blank. It’s this weird thing where it becomes very loud in my head, and yet I can’t hear my own thoughts.  During times like this, I can especially relate to songs such as “Where Is My Mind” (Sunday Girl’s cover version I particularly love) as well as “Crawl” and “Hide and Seek” by Holly Henry. In addition to listening to music, I also look for art – illustrations in particular – to help bring the emotions into something I can physically see.





In conclusion, art is and always has been my outlet. Its very therapeutic for me during times of anxiety as well as in my own personal experience with depression. I am so passionate about creativity and the use of imagination, as it is also the only way I know how to truly express myself and connect on a deeper level. I only reached the tip of the iceberg in this post, but I hope I’ve provided a decent look inside for  anyone interested in learning a little about me, the way I think, and why I am the way I am. I want to encourage you to find your outlet, and share it with someone if you’d like. You never know who you may inspire, help, or who may be able to relate to you.


Thank you for taking the time to read this long, messy post,

xx, Brittin.

in betweenIn Between Worlds


Imagination is our only weapon in the war against reality. – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


It’s Okay to Not Know What the Future Holds

“So, do you know what college you’re going to?”
“Will you live here or move out of state?”
“What do your plans look like for the future?”

As my senior year of high school is approaching in the next two months, these are all questions I get asked on a regular basis. When my response is something along the lines of, “I haven’t decided if I want to go to college or not,” I typically get a few puzzled looks, and sometimes an opinion is thrown in. You go to school, get good grades, graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, get married, have kids, and work until retirement. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. Or, at least, that’s what most of us have been taught since we could walk. I have nothing against college. I think it’s a great opportunity for some people to learn and grow, and begin “adulting” on their own. However, it is not for everyone.

I have absolutely no idea what the future holds for me. I may go to college. I may not. I may someday get married. I may not. I may live in Colorado. I may move around. I’ve been learning to just roll with whatever God brings because I can make as many plans as I want, but ultimately, He holds my future.

Up until I was about fifteen years old, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do; be a professional barrel racer. I had developed a serious passion for horses when I was around three or four years old, and I remember one day lining up all of the plastic toy horses I had collected over the years, and counting them. To give you an idea of my passion, I had over two hundred toy horses lined up around the kitchen. We lived in a suburban neighborhood, and therefore had no room for a horse, but I remember joking with my family about trying to take care of one in our small backyard. Eventually, reality hit that that was probably not a good idea.

My love for the sport stayed strong over the years, and I even began taking barrel racing lessons when I was around twelve or thirteen years old. I had created a vision board in my room with all of my rodeo-related goals, including the big one to make it to the National Finals Rodeo someday. I became friends with a few people who owned horses, and our similar interest was a foundation in our friendship. My parents did everything they could to support me in my equestrian dreams, and for awhile, I was sure that was what I wanted to do with my life, that is, until I really began to experience the atmosphere at competitions. Many of the girls were brutal to each other; tearing each other down, trash talking, only caring about winning…It was not the warm and friendly environment I had pictured. One day, I posted a picture of myself during a barrel practice on Facebook that said “proof” on it, and shortly after received Facebook messages saying I was just a wannabe that was asking for attention. After experiencing some bullying, being told I was fake and would never be as good as the “real barrel racers who actually grew up on a farm,” this once fun, challenging sport became associated with discouragement and verbal abuse in my head. The fire began to die out, and my desire to compete slowly faded over the next year.proof

The following year was a difficult one. My family went through some pretty big challenges, I was battling depression, high school had just started, everything I had dreamed about for almost sixteen years was suddenly gone, and I had lost some very close friends. I’m not telling you this to drown in self pity, I wouldn’t trade any of these experiences and am actually glad they happened. They helped me grow and find my true interests, and have led me to better things.

For instance, as I began to focus less on horses, I began to focus more on music, and developed an interest in modeling, which was funny because before, I could never see myself wanting to do anything regarding fashion.Just ask my friends; I was the girl who talked about trucks and mud, and wore jeans and a plain t-shirt daily with almost no effort put into the way I presented myself. However,  I began to build a modeling portfolio, and at the beginning of 2016 (after almost two years of doing freelance modeling) I had the honor of getting published in a few different magazines. Modeling is both a lot of work and a lot of fun, but I typically don’t recognize myself in the photos. While there is nothing wrong with that, and sometimes part of the job means going with the flow, wearing heavy makeup and crazy cool costumes,  I wanted to find a way to express myself and be seen; really seen, past my physical appearance, and eventually songwriting became my outlet.

After starting, and completing (or not completing) songs in my journal for a year or so, I decided I wanted to start sharing my love of music with others.  I created a YouTube channel, and my first video was a low quality cover of Struggling Man by Jimmy Cliff. I decided to cover only the part of the song I had heard in The Walking Dead, sung by Emily Kinney, and so it wasn’t even a full cover. But, it somehow got a few thousand views, and the encouragement I received on that video inspired me to upload more. I’ll admit I was terrible about uploading on a consistent basis; posting a new video maybe once or twice a month, but I loved making covers and sharing them with the internet. After a year of inconsistently uploading content, I was encouraged to take it a step further. I began to work on an EP (Extended Play) and, with the help of two amazing producers and friends, and the daily reminder of Philippians 4:13 and Jeremiah 29:11, it was released to multiple stores on May 10th of 2016, after about 8 months of working on it.

the letter

Shortly after releasing The Letter EP, I decided I want to start taking YouTube more seriously, and so I’ve officially gotten into a schedule of uploading a new video to YouTube every Saturday morning.  More and more people have been coming to the channel since I came up with a schedule, and any amount of growth is always so very encouraging. I am grateful. Although I do not know what the future holds, I will continue to pursue YouTube, music, and modeling for as long as I am able, unless God steers me in a different direction. My senior year of high school is coming up, and after discovering I have the chance to graduate early, I’m still no closer to finding out what God will write in the next chapter of my story. I don’t know any definite answers to questions about my future. Whether I attend a University, or pursue a career as an internet musician, or do something completely different with my life, I don’t know what is going to happen.

I’m not worried about it though. Who better to hold my future than the One who created it?

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

“Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:3

My EP: itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-mask/id1107223157?i=1107223419
YouTube: http://youtube.com/brittinlane


The Secret Garden

“Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high.” – William Goldman

Greetings, friends.

I’m back! As I’ve mentioned before, I cannot say how often I will be on here, or how often there will be a new post. When I feel I have something to say, a new post will appear.

These past few weeks have gone by quickly. My latest project that I’ve been working on over the course of 8 months, “The Letter,” releases tomorrow on iTunes, Google Play Music, Spotify, and 50 other stores worldwide. I could not be more blessed, or excited for this EP to release. My hope is that each listener connects with each song in their own unique way, and that they find themselves in this music.

At times, I feel that songwriting is a lost art. There are so many songs on the radio with, in my opinion, no substance. Granted, occasionally a well thought,  meaningful song will pop on, and I love it when that happens. But for the most part, it becomes very easy for me to tune the lyrics out to each song because it becomes so repetitive. I really appreciate those who work at the art and skill of songwriting on a consistent basis. I appreciate creating worlds and stories in my head because a song hit me that way, and created those mental images. I appreciate getting to know the artist through their work, and getting to know myself better through it, too. Songwriting is, and always has been, a huge part of my life and is a way I express myself. 11313321_1521153681523599_1700221141_n

Over the last eight or nine months that I have been creating and preparing this EP, I’ve been exploring deeper into the reason I’m pursuing music. I’ll ask myself why I am doing this, and what I want the outcome to look like. The truth is, songwriting has always been an outlet for me. It is one of the only ways I know how to get out of my own head, and bring my thoughts into something I can physically see and listen to. Words are the tools we use to create worlds, tell stories, and peek into someone else’s mind. Words are the way we express ourselves, plant ideas in someone’s head, and are a tool used to help us learn and grow. Words are powerful.

When I was a younger child, I loved to create my own stories, characters, and untouched places in my head. I could picture everything in my surroundings; the sea, the woods, the fog. Recently, I’ve written several songs which I believe paint a mental picture of some of these places. One of the songs called, “Lighthouse,” talks about a place of solitude; a safe place of mine. Another song I wrote transports the listener into my own little world, which I call “The Secret Garden.” 10584598_225389891146613_282880385_n12783506_1647417622186354_351045823_n.jpg

I will likely release these tracks and many others down the road, but for now, I hope the listeners find themselves in The Letter EP, and that the lyrics speak when you can’t find the words. I hope each listener can picture the antique house on 21st street that I wrote about in Stay (track #2 on the EP) and see the field with trees, the sunlight, and the stars that I mention in Goodbye (track #3.) I hope each track paints a mental story for everyone who purchases The Letter, and allows them to explore this little world of mine.


Alice in Wonderland


Photo by Margo Elfstrom Photography. I got to dress up as a mythical creature during this photoshoot, and had a lot of fun doing so. 

Thank you to everyone who enjoys the music I write, and to everyone who read this messy blog post. I hope you all love The Letter EP, and get a lot out of it.

Thanks for listening, Brittin.

Link to purchase The Letter EP: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-mask/id1107223157?i=1107223419
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-242197865
YouTube: https://youtube.com/brittinlane

The Letter

I’m surprised I haven’t written about music on here yet, but that day has finally come.

Today is kind of a big day for me. If you follow me on any of my other social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and pretty much anywhere else) you probably know that I have been working on an indie EP (Extended Play) for the last several months. If you didn’t know that, then hello. I’m Brittin, and I’ve been creating music since I was 3 and have been an aspiring singer/songwriter for the last three years. I’m releasing my debut indie EP over the summer.

After months of hard work, time, and effort, I recorded the fifth and final song of my debut EP, “The Letter” this afternoon. As this project is coming to an end (and also a new beginning) I want to share with you a bit more about each song and provide some details and insight. Each of the five tracks means something special to me – it is a very personal EP. With that being said, here is a brief overview of each song on “The Letter.”



Most people who know me know that I am very close with my sister, Jasmine. After she left for college last year, it was very difficult for me to live at home without her down the hall. I was inspired to write this as a letter to my sister, as well as all the amazing women and role models who have had a positive impact on my life.



I remember writing this song towards the end of August of 2015. As summer was coming to an end, the time for my close group of friends to leave for college had arrived. Now, when I say close, I mean they are my second family and have been for the last four years. I wrote this song while remembering the summers spent playing groundies and other games at the park until 2 in the morning, star gazing and genuinely enjoying each others company. I’ve realized when I said goodbye to them as each friend left for a different state, that I wasn’t really saying goodbye. I was just saying, “See you in a few months.” No matter how far apart we are, we are still just as close.




Over this school year, I received several letters from my sister while she was in college. Each handwritten note meant something so special to me. I began thinking about how rare and precious letters are nowadays. Anyone can send a text and the receiver can read it instantly, but to read a note that someone took the time to write means so much and is so genuine. In this song, I wrote about how a letter can be so special.





Occasionally I like to take my guitar and journals and drive out to somewhere peaceful to write. I wrote this song when I came upon a beautiful Victorian house near 21st street. Jasmine and I used to talk about how cool it would be to live in a Victorian house someday, and in this track I am basically reminiscing and trying to convince her to stay with me and live in this house rather than moving away to University and leaving home.

The Mask

For the last year and a half on and off, I have been fighting depression and anxiety. It comes and goes in seasons, but I wrote “The Mask” when I was personally going through a dark, lonely time only a few weeks ago. Some people might think I should not address this on the Internet, but sometimes it can help to know that someone understands what you’re going through. Music has been a big outlet for me throughout my life, and it was the only way I knew how to express what was going on in my head. Although I still struggle with periods of depression and anxiety, and am not quite out of this season, “The Mask” is one of the most personal and I think, relatable, songs in this EP.


I am so excited to publicly release The Letter and I hope those who listen can relate to and enjoy each song. The Letter will be released this summer of 2016 and I will be setting a release date within the next week or two. It is a very simple, acoustic EP and that is exactly the way I wanted it. After months of writing, recording, and producing (thanks to Robin Berg ‘Zapient’ and Daniel Lamb of Rhapsodize Music for mixing these tracks) I cannot wait to see the final product come to life and reach the listeners. Thank you to everyone who read this and supports me and my music; my debut indie EP “The Letter” will be available for purchase soon!


Check out my social media and life outside of blogging:

Instagram: @brittinlane5

Twitter: @brittinlane_

YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/brittinlane

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brittinlanemusic


Hello, Spring.

Hello! I’m back.

I tried to write another blog post last weekend, but had writers block and could not think of a lot to say. In the last two weeks however, a lot has happened.

First off, I got to celebrate my birthday with my family a week and a half ago. I have always been a huge tea lover, and so my family and I held a “high tea” in our home. We dressed up a bit and I got to wear my classy pair of French-looking heels that my grandmother gave me. The table was set beautifully, with a bouquet of bright, colorful flowers that my sister had brought home from college for me the night before. One of my favorite teas was served – breakfast English tea, and I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with my family.


A few days later, I got to celebrate my birthday with a few of my close friends. It was a very fun day filled with games such as Mau and Mafia (both are unique card games that are very fun with a group of people) as well as a movie, and a delicious dinner. I really enjoyed being with my friends and family, and there was a lot of laughter throughout the day.

The next day, I celebrated Easter! After attending a lovely church service with my mom, dad, and sister, we came back home for brunch and then enjoyed a movie. It was a wonderful family day. On the fashion side of things, I also enjoyed putting a spring look together and having an excuse to wear my french heels. A few days before Easter, my sister and I had gone thrift shopping at a nearby Goodwill after having a sister coffee date. I walked out of Goodwill with 5 clothing items for under $25!  I love thrifting, although at times I can’t help but wonder who owned this shirt before me. It’s still worth it!


Where You Can Buy It: This jacket is from Guess, the scarf I believe is from H&M (although it was a birthday present, so I’m not positive) the striped sweater vest underneath the jacket is from Goodwill, and the lacy white shirt underneath is from Ross. 

After celebrating Easter, my spring break began. On Monday, I ventured into a different artistic direction; painting. I have never been very good at painting. Usually I require a lot of direction, and it is difficult for me. However, I felt inspired that day. My mom has been an artist for several years, and she taught herself how to paint. She now teaches painting classes out of our home studio, and is very naturally talented. She let me borrow her art studio for a few hours that afternoon, and so I decided to grab some paints and brushes and create.Although it isn’t perfect, I’m proud of how my painting turned out.


I painted a picture of my thoughts; solitude. 

A couple of days after my artistic adventure, I got to try something new. One of my best friends, Hannah, gave me an awesome birthday gift; two paid-for months of karate and self defense lessons! I attended my first class with her on Wednesday night and had a blast. We began with a thirty minute warm up, and then moved on to learning how to punch and kick. I was exhausted by the end of the class, but I had a great time. I’m very excited to learn more and improve.


One of my best friends, Hannah, and I at homecoming last year

The morning after my awesome self defense class (thanks Hannah!), I had a dreaded dentist appointment. For some reason, the dentist was having difficulty numbing certain parts of my mouth, and by the end of the appointment I had been given 7 shots – and each needle was at least 4 inches long. I’m not a lover of needles, and each shot definitely pinched. Afterwards, I came back home and pretty much spent the rest of the day in bed. I couldn’t move have of my face because it was so numb, and although it was a bit painful, it was also pretty funny. Naturally, I felt the need to document the appointment on Snapchat.


“I can’t feel my face when I’m with you…” – me to my dentist

Finally, Friday arrived. After spending a relaxing morning reading one of my current favorite books, “The Grave Robber” by Mark Batterson, I prepared for a photoshoot with my great friend and mentor, Colleen Briggs (also known to me as ‘Mama Briggs’) who I mentioned in my last post.  I was particularly excited for this shoot for a few reasons; I got to spend time with Mama Briggs, discussing life, and I also got to look more natural in this shoot. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed the artistic projects I’ve worked on recently. But, I usually don’t recognize myself after the makeup has been heavily applied and my hair has been touched up. There is nothing wrong with that, and we are all there working to get a great shot. It was nice though, to feel and look more natural during this urban photoshoot. We spent the afternoon shooting downtown and after we wrapped, the evening was spent walking around art galleries for the First Friday Art Walk. I saw so many beautiful, abstract paintings and really enjoyed being surrounded by other artists and creative people. It was a blessing to explore downtown with Mama Briggs and her family (they are basically like my second family) and afterwards, we grabbed dinner at a local restaurant called Louie’s Pizza. It was a great way to end the week!



A few shots from yesterday’s urban shoot. Photographs by Colleen Briggs. 

Happy Spring, Brittin

Check out Colleen Briggs’s amazing art and blog:

Join the search…


During the summer of 2014, I was introduced to the modeling industry. I remember the first photoshoot I was a part of; a 1920’s themed shoot. I felt like one of the characters in Downton Abbey, which is one of my favorite shows that I watch with my mom. Since that project, I’ve been blessed with many more opportunities to glorify God through modeling and photographs.


Photograph by Margo Elfstrom Photography

Back in the beginning of December, I had my biggest modeling project to date. I saw a modeling call on social media for a photography business called ‘The Road Home Photography.’ I contacted the owner, Jenna, and before I knew it I was attending a meeting to discuss the details of the project. I was blown away by the compassion and kindness of Jenna and Brittany; the photographer and makeup artist of this amazing project. After learning of one of the goals behind this project; to help girls feel more beautiful in their own skin, I was even more excited and grateful to be a part of it.

The day for the shoot finally arrived. I woke up at 5:30 am, grabbed my bag which was packed with a few clothes, a tooth brush, some snacks, and a bottled drink, and drove with my mom to Old Colorado City. We had gotten permission to use a music venue called ‘The Loft’ to do hair, makeup, and wardrobe in, and we had a 6:45 am call. When we arrived at The Loft, the inside was decorated beautifully. There were quotes about inner beauty on each table, as well as fresh coffee and breakfast snacks. The room itself was very cool; there were hardwood floors, brick walls, lights strung up everywhere, and a stage.

sign.jpg        At around 7, the process of hair, makeup, and wardrobe began. I got to wear a beautiful flower dress provided by a local boutique called Daisy in a Bottle as well as a lovely flower piece created by a florist. For the first look of the day, my hair was braided over the top of my head and my makeup was done beautifully by airbrush. Overall, this process took around two hours and by 9 in the morning, myself and several other beautiful models were headed to our first location.

Our first location is one of my favorite places called Helen Hunt Falls. It is a beautiful landscape with forests, mountains, and a large waterfall that looks even more amazing when it is half-frozen.  Since we were shooting in the morning of a December day, the weather was very cold. I believe it was somewhere around 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind, I was wearing a dress and we were on location for almost three hours. Luckily, I got to warm up in a car when it was not my turn to shoot, as well as cuddle up in my winter coat and a heavy blanket. Everyone was partly frozen by the time we left (welcome to modeling!), but it was so worth it. I remember not being able to feel or really move my feet until we drove back to The Loft for lunch because they were so cold. Everyone kept a positive attitude and despite the cold, it was a very fun experience that I would do again in a heartbeat!

btsbts 2dancing

After shooting at Helen Hunt Falls, we drove back to The Loft for a delicious lunch and a break. I remember being very happy and having fun hanging out there, surrounded by wonderful people and listening John Mayer’s music echoing through the room while several girls got their hair and makeup done for the second location. I also remember dramatically lip syncing to his music, probably because I was tired and a bit ‘slap happy.’


While waiting to get ready, I was chilling out in sweats and dramatically lip syncing to John Mayer’s music that was playing. #lipsyncbattle

While waiting to get my hair and makeup done, I had an amazing conversation with a very talented lady and filmmaker who had been filming a behind the scenes video of the photoshoot. We talked about life, our passion for the industry, and our faith. A very valuable lesson I learned around this time was that anyone can bring glory to God simply by using the gifts He’s given us, and I feel so blessed to have been a part of this project and to have had the opportunity to do that.

After my hair, makeup, and wardrobe was done, we headed out to our second location. Rock Ledge Ranch is a beautiful area located around Garden of the Gods, full of fields, trees, and an old tiny church. Shooting began around 4:30 pm, and I was so impressed with the set. When we arrived to our location, a white couch was set up in a field, along with candle operas, lanterns, flowers, a ladder, and a carpet. The sun was quickly setting and the temperature was dropping, so we spent around an hour at this location. I was dressed in a beautiful lace dress that reminded me of Alice’s dress in Alice in Wonderland, my hair was down and wavy, I was given a flower crown, and my makeup was more natural looking. Everything fit together perfectly.



I got to work with so many lovely models – this was a behind the scenes photo taken just before we wrapped.

By 6:30 pm, the sun was down and we wrapped. We drove back to The Loft, where I took off some of the makeup, changed back into my comfortable clothes, and said my goodbyes to Jenna, Brittney, and the other girls I had the pleasure of working with. I was absolutely exhausted, but my heart was happy. After spending the day around such loving, compassionate people, and making new friends (some of which I have worked with since) I felt very blessed and grateful. This was one of my favorite projects I have ever had the opportunity to work on. A couple of months after the shoot, I was also able to check one of my goals for this year off – to make it into print. I had the honor of being featured on the cover of ‘Seniors Magazine’ with a photo from this project, and I am so excited and grateful.

The idea behind this shoot – Radiance – warms my heart. In life, and I think especially in this industry, it becomes so easy to compare ourselves to one another. “I wish I looked like them” or “I wish I was good enough” is sadly a common thought these days. Rather than comparing our looks, grades, talents, or anything else, we should celebrate each other! Everyone possesses beauty, and you and I were made to be unique. Beauty is something that starts with the heart, and simply by being kind and having compassion towards others, your beauty shines outward. One of my favorite quotes says; “We get so worried about being pretty. Let’s be pretty kind. Pretty funny. Pretty smart. Pretty strong.” – Britt Nicole

“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” – 1 Peter 3:3-4


Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush


The first magazine I was in – Seniors Magazine! Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush


Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush. Models: Kaitlynn Mans, myself, and Madison Flowers


Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush


Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush


Photograph by The Road Home Photography, Makeup by Shades of Blush

The Road Home Photography – http://www.theroadhomephotography.com
Shades of Blush – https://www.facebook.com/atxgetblushed/?fref=ts
Clothing Provided by: Daisy in a Bottle & Febra’s
Hair Stylists: Abbey Francis & Renae Luecke


17 Lessons in 17 Years

Tomorrow is my 17th birthday, and that is crazy to me. It will technically be my last birthday and year as a minor (although in many ways I will never grow up – #disneymoviesforlife) and I have learned so much in my almost seventeen years of existence. With that being said; here is my list of 17 important lessons I have learned so far.

baby me

Mini me

  1. There really is beauty in being yourself. You were created to be unique – learn what that looks like for you and don’t hide it.
  2. It is okay to not be okay. Often, people put on a mask before they go out the door. It can be easy to feel like you have to fake a smile around people, but the truth is, you don’t. There’s nothing wrong with having a bad day, or going through a difficult season. Everyone has bad days and everyone struggles, and even if they try to pretend that their life is perfect, I promise it’s not.
  3. Confidence is key. This goes with number 1 on this list. Be proud of who you are and show the world what you have to offer.
  4. There is nothing wrong with spending time by yourself. It doesn’t mean that you’re weird or antisocial. Solitude is a great way to get to know yourself. I’ve always enjoyed the peace and quiet of hanging out in my room songwriting, or going on a solo-adventure and appreciating God’s beauty.
  5. Friends are lovely, and necessary. What is life without relationships? I love my alone time, but when I spend too much time by myself it can get a little lonely. I’ve always been the quiet type, and it isn’t always easy to make friends. Once I stepped out of my comfort zone however, I found two different groups of friends that I am really close and comfortable with. I absolutely treasure these friendships. My sister, Jasmine, is my closest friend. We have “sister dates” and go on adventures around Colorado together when she comes home from the University. My friends, who I also call my twin brothers (because we look alike and are similar) Jordan and Jon Jon, are some of my best friends as well. We go on coffee dates, and I have never become so close with two people so fast. They are my brothers in Christ. I also have a great group of friends that I’ve been close with for several years, and most of them left for college this year. That was hard, but I’ve gotten to see them on breaks and we’ve picked up right where we left off. I don’t know how I would have gotten through some of the challenges I’ve faced if they weren’t there to support me and pray for me. Friends are a blessing, and a necessity.

    Jordan, Jon Jon and I at the homecoming football game.


    I got to go to prom last year with my other amazing group of friends who are now in college.


    My sister, Jasmine, and I at prom last year.

  6. Keep the priorities straight. It’s no secret that life can get pretty busy. The older you get, the more responsibility there is. As a junior in high school, balancing school work, relationships, chores, work, and my passions can take up a lot of time and leave almost no room for anything else. Regardless of how busy things get though, make sure to keep your priorities straight and don’t use everyday life as an excuse.
  7. There’s more to the world than what you see on your cellphone screen. Okay, I’m not going to lie. I struggle with this often. I have been working, however, on putting my phone down more and really paying attention to what is happening around me. I’ve realized that life is so temporary – how sad would it be if I missed most of it because I was too busy scrolling through Instagram, replying to texts, or posting on Snapchat?  Cherish the time you have now and the relationships you have now, because they are so temporary. Don’t let a notification become more important than these moments.
  8. Find an outlet. For me, music is a big outlet. I write it, listen to it, and create it daily. For the past few hours that I have been working on this blog and even before that, I’ve been listening to indie music. Find an outlet that lets you express yourself.
  9. Don’t sweat the small stuff. This has been a big lesson that I still occasionally struggle with. Nine times out of ten, we tend to work ourselves up over a small issue because we overthink it. Girls especially tend to over-analyze everything. We can look at a text message multiple times trying to decipher it and figure out what the person who sent it really meant. We do this when, in reality, people usually say what they mean and there is no reason for the overthinking.
  10. Worry not. Oh boy. I’ve struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for the last few years, and every time I feel anxious or experience a panic attack, I learn something new from it. Sometimes, I have to learn the same lesson multiple times. For those who have never had a panic attack, it usually feels like this; your heart starts racing and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears, you start sweating and your mind feels like its running a hundred miles an hour. In my experiences, I usually feel sick to my stomach. Your breathing gets out of control, and you experience an adrenaline rush. Panic attacks can be very scary, but there are ways of dealing with them. A big help for me has been reading bible verses. The bible has 365 verses regarding fear, and my favorite so far is this; “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” – Isaiah 41: 10. I’m not trying to force my faith on anyone – everyone has a right to their own beliefs. But I’ve learned a lot about fear throughout my life so far, and that is usually how I deal with feelings of anxiety.
  11. Be compassionate. One of my favorite quotes says; “Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo. Saying hello to a stranger, doing a random act of kindness for a friend or family member, or even smiling at someone can change a person’s day around. Never let fear or the thought of getting uncomfortable get in the way of kindness.
  12. Find a mentor. A mentor is someone you can look up to who can listen and offer advice from their own experiences, and help you grow in character. I have an amazing mentor who I call ‘Mama Briggs’ and helped mentor my sister, Jasmine, before she went off to college. She is a talented artist, as well as a wonderful, wise, strong woman of God. It’s so important to have a mentor because they can offer a new perspective and help you grow.
  13. Do your best. Another quote I love says; “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”-Norman Vincent Peale.  It’s true.
  14. Never quit. It may be said a lot, but the only time you really lose in life is when you give up. I am so lucky to have parents who have been teaching me this lesson not just through words, but also through actions. Their wisdom helped me when my confidence wasn’t very high. A little over a year ago, I went to an open call at a modeling agency in Denver.  I handed in my portfolio, did an interview, was measured, and then told that they wanted to sign me. They loved my personality and said I photographed well, but then I was told that they could not sign me because my hips were two inches too wide. Having an agency tell me that I was “two inches too wide” to model, I was discouraged. But, I continued to work throughout the year. Now, I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten to work on some amazing projects with multiple models and photographers, and have even made it into three different magazines – one which I was on the cover of. I still have a long way to go, but am trusting God’s plans and trying to use any success to glorify Him.
  15. What goes in always comes out, and its the same with our character. The movies you watch, the music you listen to, the books you read, the people you surround yourself with, the thoughts you feed – they will all effect you in a positive or negative way. What you put in to your mind will come out in your actions.
  16. Modest is hottest. “Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable clothes, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.”-1 Timothy 2:9-10
  17. Beyoutiful > beautiful. You were born with natural beauty that starts inside your heart. As a girl, it is so easy today to spend more time doing our hair and makeup than working on our hearts. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good on the outside – I too spend time most days creating different looks with my hair, makeup, and clothing. What I am saying though is that you should not let your physical appearance become more important than who you are as a person. You are beautiful, unique, and lovely without even trying.


Those are just a few important lessons I have learned throughout my life so far, and I thought I would share. Thank you for stopping by, I hope this impacted someone in a positive way.

Virtual hugs, Brittin.


Photo by my lovely mentor, Mama Briggs.

Hello, Internet.

I finally did it! I started a blog. I’ve gone back and forth over the idea of starting a blog for a long time, questioning if I had anything interesting to say or if I could commit to writing often, and I finally decided to go ahead and create one of my own.

This won’t be a very long post, but I thought I would introduce myself and try this out regardless of the fact that I know nothing about blogging. If you don’t already know me, hello! I’m Brittin. I decided to create an online journal where I can share my thoughts, memories, favorite things, and moments. I have always been a creative person and a deep thinker; using songwriting and other forms of art as self-expression.

Besides songwriting, I have many interests. Over the last two years I have been pursuing modeling and have even had the privilege of getting printed a few magazines. I also do archery, and play guitar and piano by ear. In addition, I enjoy longboarding and have had the blessing of getting sponsored by a skating clothing company in the Netherlands. I am grateful for the amazing opportunities God has brought so far, and I’ve been holding on to His promises in Jeremiah 29:11.

Anyways, this is just a quick post to introduce myself and say thank you for stopping by. I hope to post often, although since I am a junior in high school, sometimes things get very busy. However I will do my best!

Have a lovely week,    Brittin.

‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.’ -Jeremiah 29:11